Check out some new research from the Nicholas Lab! The article “An optimized fractionation method reveals insulin-induced membrane surface localization of GLUT1 to increase glycolysis in LβT2 cells” was accepted for publication October 2th!!! This paper was a labor of love with almost all of the figures produced by undergrads. Some back story… In 2019, back when Dr. Nicholas was a IRACDA postdoc, another IRACDA fellow, Olivia Molinar-Inglis recognized that many of her undergrads had lots of experience and training, but had not opportunity to publish. She devised a plan to publish a method she had developed and optimized showcasing the hardwork of her undergrads. She pulled Dr. Nicholas and antother fellow Dr. Jeremiah Keyes in on the plan. She mentored them through collecting data and creating figures. Then…The covid 2020 pandemic happend. All three postdocs moved on to new jobs. Despite this, Olivia believed that the hardwork of these undergrads should be rewarded. After 3 different journals, and 6 rounds of revisions, new students in the Nicholas lab, Anjali Varma, Kiara Wiggins, and Zena Del Mundo were able to help get this paper across the finish line almost years after the work began. In this paper we show the optimized fractionation protocol developed by Dr. Olivia Molinar-Inglis with a step-by-step protocol so that anyone can do the procedure. Using the procedure we demonstrate that insulin induces GLUT1 to the surface of gonadotropes. Tune in for more research from the Nicholas Lab.